Cricket is a team sport that is enjoyed by men and women. Even though cricket is a non-contact sport, it can result in cricket injuries. Cricket has been around for hundreds of years and can be played competitively and socially. 

It is often played on a field but can be played in parks, backyards and on the beach. 

Even though cricket is a non-contact sport, it can result in cricket injuries

Cricket Injuries and Prevention

Cricket injuries are common but can be prevented. Preparation is critical for preventing injuries. Being in good physical shape and properly warming up can significantly reduce your risk of injury. 

The common types of injuries athletes suffer are bruising, open wounds, sprains, strains and fractures. The most common are injuries to the face, head, lower body, hand and finger.

Common types of acute injuries are:

  • Ankle Sprains
  • Cricket Elbow
  • Contusions
  • Lower Back pain
  • Impact Injuries
  • Side Strain
  • Medial Meniscus Tear
  • Rotator Cuff Injuries
lower back pain as one of cricket injuries

To prevent injuries, you need to be prepared. You should always:

Wear the right protective gear

Protective gear has been designed to help prevent sports injuries. Properly fitting gear is critical.

Worn out and wrongly fitted gear can be just as dangerous as not wearing protective gear. Elbow braces are often worn to prevent cricket elbow.

Warm up and stretch beforehand

Stretching is essential in preventing injuries. It slowly heats up your core body temperature and loosens you muscles and joints.

Cool down and stretch after

Cooling down will help your body slowly cool down. If you do not cool down, you can feel sick or pass out.

This is because your blood vessels are dilated, and body temperature is higher than usual. Stretching will also reduce stiffness and muscle cramping.


Training will allow you to learn the proper ways to play cricket. Knowing the correct ways will help you avoid injuries.

Stay hydrated

Staying hydrated will help prevent fatigue and heat-related illnesses. If you have any symptoms of a heat-related illness, seek medical attention right away.

Remove any hazards from the playing field

A safe playing field is important. When there are hazards such as sticks, water, blocks or stones on the surface there is a higher risk of injury.

Never play in extreme heat

Heat stroke is a risk when you are playing in extreme heat. If you or any of your teammates experience a heat stroke, it is important to hydrate and cool down immediately.

Then seek medical assistance. Heat stroke can be deadly if not properly treated.

Don’t play in wet conditions

Wet conditions can affect a player’s footing. This can lead to cricket injuries.

Wear sunscreen

The sun is damaging to the skin. The rays can lead to skin discolorations, premature aging and skin cancer.

Wear sunglasses

Sunglasses can protect your eyes from the sun’s UV rays. Glasses also protect your eyes from elements such as dirt, dust and sand.

Exercise Rehabilitation for cricket injuries

Treating Cricket Injuries

Cricket injuries are common and need to be treated right away. You should never continue to play with an injury. Continuing to play can lead to more serious injuries and delay your recovery. 

The treatment of the injury will depend on the severity and type of injury. It is important that you do not try to treat the injury yourself.

See your doctor to get a proper diagnosis. While healing from an injury you can continue to maintain your physical fitness.

Physical therapy and a customized exercise routine can be tailored for you. The exercise prescription will help your injury heal faster while you reach your physical goals.

Exercise Rehabilitation

Exercise rehabilitation and proper nutrition are important for physical recovery from pain or injury. Rehabilitation helps you recover quicker while preventing avoidable injury.

It will restore full function and get you back onto the cricket field. Our professional exercise Physiologists will work with you to help you successfully heal from the injury.

Exercise Rehabilitation will:

  • Prevent future injuries and re-injury
  • Improve muscle strength
  • Quicker recovery
  • Reduce stress
  • Increase flexibility
  • Increase self-confidence
  • Improve balance
  • Boost energy
  • Improve mental health
  • Reduce fatigue
  • Boost endurance
  • Reduce pain

SSEP Can Help Rehabilitate Cricket Injuries

Our Exercise Physiologists are accredited and recognised with Exercise and Sport Science Australia (ESSA). They are experts in their field and excel in exercise rehabilitation.

They can improve strength and mobility following cricket injuries. Exercise Physiologists are able to create personalised exercise programs based on your assessment.

Our programs are aimed at bringing back full function, restoring muscle strength, improving flexibility and increasing endurance.

If you require exercise rehabilitation, contact one of our Sydney Sports and Exercise Physiology locations. Exercise rehabilitation can help you heal from your cricket injuries.