Contact SSEP
Sydney Sports and Exercise Physiology
Exercise Physiology Appointments
Our SSEP Exercise Physiologists are located across Sydney, within the 10 following clinic locations.
To book an appointment, please click the link to contact your preferred location:
– Hills Sports Medicine, Norwest
– Sydney Sports Medicine Centre, Homebush
– The Sports Clinic, University of Sydney
– Kensington Physiotherapy, UNSW
– Sydney West Sports Medicine, Rooty Hill
– Lifestyle & Sports Physiotherapy, Narellan
– The Stadium Clinic, Moore Park
We’re Committed to Helping You Succeed Your Fitness and Lifestyle Goals

At SSEP, our mission is to help you reach your physical goals. We provide testing and treatment that will, in turn, help get you to improve your overall well-being. If you have been searching for an Exercise Physiologist, look no further than SSEP.