VO2 Max Test Sydney
Book a consultation with an Exercise Physiologist for a VO2 Max Test
VO2 Max Testing Sydney
Your VO2 max test values can help understand and establish your fitness level before you start an exercise program. Then intermittent testing can help you track your progress and reach your performance goals.
Your VO2 Max Test results can help you:
Determine physiological baseline
Develop training zones
Monitor training adaptations
Improve performance
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Why VO2Max & Threshold Testing?
The Threshold Tests We Offer
What is a VO2Max Test?
What is Anaerobic Threshold?
What is Lactate Threshold?
Our Sydney Testing Locations and Times
Costs & Packages
Schedule a Test
Why VO2 Max and Threshold Testing?
Testing is able to provide valuable information for coaches and athletes, allowing more specific training programs aimed at improving performance.
Understanding your physiology in detail allows for a more accurate determination and implementation of training levels, competition and recovery time.
Everyone is unique and has their own training threshold that can change over time. Changes can happen due to various reasons such as illness, injury and exercise history. By testing at different times of the year you’ll be able to monitor your physiology and training thresholds, making it easier to adapt your training to your specific needs.
The frequency of testing will vary depending on your sport, goals and training periodisation. For maximum efficiency and performance outcomes, it is recommended that you should get baseline measurements and testing done before you begin a new program.

The Threshold Tests We Offer
We perform the following threshold tests at all of our clinics across Sydney.
VO2 Max and Anaerobic Threshold
The VO2 max test provides a range of data that can be of benefit to cyclists, runners, triathletes or anyone looking to identify baseline measures. This VO2 max test includes absolute and relative VO2 max, absolute and relative maximal aerobic power, maximal heart rate and calculated anaerobic threshold. This data can be used for establishing training zones, designing intervals, talent identification as well as monitoring and evaluation of specific training interventions.
Lactate Transition Thresholds
The lactate transitions threshold test allows for training prescriptions to be made based on blood lactate data. During this test, ventilatory data is collected while you are on either a treadmill or a bike. This is not a maximal test of aerobic output but rather an analysis of submaximal work capacity. It allows us to measure how intese your workload is before lactate accumulates in the blood faster than it can be removed. This data can determine training regimes for improved performace and detect talents in specific sporting styles.
Submaximal Testing
Submaximal testing is used to predict maximal aerobic capacity. These tests are ideal for those with identified cardiovascular risk factors and other chronic diseases or disabilities. A determination of VO2max is based on tests that are not to maximal capacity. Data that is obtained during the test can help to identify if any further medical evaluation needs to be performed before an exercise program is started.
Anaerobic Power Testing
The anaerobic power test will provides is with the determination of maximal power outputs.
Anaerobic power testing is used to evaluate the ability to perform short-term exercise at the highest rate possible. Testing durations can range from a few seconds to 1 minute in length. Anaerobic power testing is utilized by sprint, mid-distance, and distance athletes. For most athletic events athletes use both aerobic and anaerobic energy.

Our VO2 Max Test was reviewed by Matt Code, sales executive for Brooks, in preparation for his training for the 226km Asia Pacific Ironman Championships. Here’s what Matt had to say:
“I have had the opportunity to have some threshold fitness testing done with Dean McNamara at Sydney Sports & Exercise Physiology.
What that has given me is a baseline of my VO2 Max and Anaerobic Thresholds // on the bike and run. Without going into detail what that means is that I can focus my training on specific areas to get fitter with far less effort, therefore training smarter not harder.
This sort of information is incredibly valuable for anyone and everyone, not just athletes. But for endurance athletes it can create a great exercise platform to increase fitness without increase load, which so many people do.”
What is a VO2 Max Test?
VO2 max is also referred to as the maximal oxygen uptake. It is a common measurement which establishes the aerobic endurance of an athlete. It is the measurement of the maximum volume of oxygen an athlete can use during high-level exercise.
Who is the VO2 Max Test For?
The VO2 Max test is often taken by marathoners, endurance athletes, and people training for fitness events. But those aren’t the only ones that will benefit from the test. It is also excellent for anyone who is interested in improving their fitness level and sport performance.
VO2 Max Test Requirements
Medical clearance is required for a VO2 Max Test for males >45 years and females >55 years.
If you have one or more risk factors for cardiovascular disease you are also required to undertake a full blood test in addition to clearance prior to the consultation.
No alcohol, caffeine or excessive exercise 24 hours prior to maximal testing. You will also be required to undertake a pre-exercise questionnaire.
How to Measure VO2 Max
VO2 max tests are usually performed in a controlled lab and takes between 10 to 20 minutes. In most cases, either a treadmill or stationary bicycle will be used. Before the VO2 Max test, you will be fitted with a face mask that is connected to a machine. This machine allows us to analyse the concentration of oxygen and carbon dioxide that is exhaled along with your respiratory rate. We will also monitor your heart rate.
How to Improve Your VO2 Max
VO2 max levels range widely depending on the athlete. In general, athletes that have greater endurance levels have higher VO2 max levels. To determine if your VO2 level is in the appropriate range for your gender and age group consult a VO2 max chart.
Your VO2 can be improved through beginning an exercise regimen or upping the intensity of your current training program. It naturally improves as you initiate additional aerobic exercises such as cycling and running. Once your body has adapted to the workout, you will need to change your routine and add more intensity.

What is Anaerobic Threshold?
The anaerobic threshold is the point during exercise when your body switches between aerobic to anaerobic metabolism. The AT measurement is useful for determining exercise intensity for athletes who do interval-style workouts and high-intensity workouts that are training for and participating in endurance sports.
How to Measure Anaerobic Threshold
Anaerobic Threshold test can be performed in a lab and takes between 30 to 40 minutes. You will wear a heart rate strap and pedal a stationary bike set up for a precise power output. The resistance will increase every few minutes until you can no longer pedal any longer. During each increase, a small blood sample will be taken and analysed for lactate or lactic acid. The data is collected, and a graph of your results will be generated.
How to Improve Anaerobic Threshold
Anaerobic threshold training involves interval workouts. Workouts should vary between aerobic and high-intensity for the best results. The largest part of the training should be comprised of aerobic activity.

What is Lactate Threshold?
Lactate threshold is the amount of exercise performed when lactate starts to gather in the blood faster than it can be removed. Having too much lactate in your blood is what gives you the feeling of being sick while exercising.
How to Measure Lactate Threshold
Lactate threshold tests are performed either using a treadmill or stationary bike and take about 30 minutes. Exercise intensity will be increased at different intervals. At the end of every interval, a blood sample will be taken. These tests are used by recreational as well as serious athletes who are interested in improving their endurance performance.
How to Improve Lactate Threshold
Lactate threshold training involves increasing your exercise intensity to just above your lactate threshold heart rate. Proper nutrition is also an important factor when improving your lactate threshold.
Our Sydney VO2 Max Testing Locations
Hills Sports Medicine Clinic, Norwest
Monday & Tuesday – 10:00am to 6:00pm
Thursday – 2:00pm to 6:00pm
Monday & Thursday – 12:00pm to 7:00pm,
Tuesday – 8:00am to 6:00pm
The Sports Clinic, Sydney University
Monday & Wednesday – 12:00pm to 4:30pm
Stadium Sports Clinic, Moore Park
Wednesday – 10am to 5:00pm (bike only)
Sydney Sports Medicine Centre, Homebush
Wenesday & Friday – By Appt Only
If you would like to complete a VO2Max or Lactate Threshold Test at another location please inform us on the Enquiry Form below.
VO2Max & Lactate Testing: Costs & Packages
VO2Max Consultation, Testing & Report
Total $350 incl. GST
(Initial Consultation $163 + Testing $187 )
Lactate Threshold Consultation, Testing & Report
Total $400 incl. GST
(Initial Consultation $163 + Testing $237)
Additional Coaching/Exercise Physiology Sessions & Programming
$116-126 for 30 minutes
$152-163 for 60 minutes
Schedule Your Sports Performance VO2 Max Test
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At Sydney Sports & Exercise Physiology, our team is highly experienced and work with high level athletes in Australia, including those from Sydney Thunder and Sydney FC.
If you are interested in your baseline reading, improving your performance or you want to get an edge over your competition, contact your preferred SSEP clinic today to schedule an appointment for your VO2 Max Test in Sydney.
Deposit and Cancellation Policy
A $190 deposit for VO2 Max Testing & $240 for Lactate Testing will be requested to be paid over the phone when booking in all testing appointments.
The deposit is required due to the costs involved with organising and securing testing equipment and allowing for extended time to complete these assessments. We are more than happy to reschedule tests although please contact us 48hrs prior to your scheduled appointment
Deposit/Cancellation Policy
If you wish to cancel or reschedule your scheduled appointment, please contact the clinic at least 48 hours prior to your appointment.
Non Attendance and Cancellation Fees
A minimum of 48 hours notice prior to your scheduled appointment time is required for cancellations.
No shows and cancellations within 48 hours of the scheduled appointment time will incur a ‘non-attendance fee’ (deposit will be forfeited).
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