Tennis Elbow | Causes, Treatment, & Prevention

Tennis elbow is a painful condition known as epicondylitis. It is inflammation of the tendons in the forearm next to the elbow. It is a condition that usually affects people between the ages of 30 and 50. Nevertheless, it can be experienced by people of all ages. Even...

Golf Exercises to Improve Your Game and Reduce Injuries

Golf is fun and relaxing. It is a great way to get outside and get exercise. However, it isn’t always possible to get outside and play the sport. Golf exercises will help you enhance your muscle strength and endurance. You can continue to improve your game even during...

Cricket Injuries and Prevention

Cricket is a team sport that is enjoyed by men and women. Even though cricket is a non-contact sport, it can result in cricket injuries. Cricket has been around for hundreds of years and can be played competitively and socially.  It is often played on a field but can...

Frozen Shoulder | Prevention, Symptoms, Treatment

Frozen shoulder isn’t only uncomfortable and stiff, it can also be painful. But it can be treated with OTC medication and simple frozen shoulder exercises. The AEPs at Sydney Sports & Exercise Physiology can personalize an exercise plan that will help you improve...

Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS)

If you exercise, you have probably experienced DOMS. It doesn’t matter if you are new to physical training or have been doing it for years. Vigorous workouts can damage muscles causing stiffness and soreness a day or two after exercising. Many people want to know how...

Ankle Strengthening Exercises

Many people have injured or twisted their ankle at some point in time. It can happen at any time and anywhere. From simply getting out of your car to playing your favorite sport, that is why ankle strengthening exercises are very important. There are ways that you can...

Cricket Conditioning

Cricket conditioning will help you outperform your mates. Professional guidance from our exercise physiologists is the best way to achieve your goals. At Sydney Sports and Exercise Physiology, we are equipped with a complete strength and conditioning gym in Sydney....

How to Correct Posture Exercises

In this article, we will give you 9 of the best stretches to improve the most common forms of bad posture.  For assistants and expert guidance on how to correct posture, be sure to contact one of our 9 locations to have a consultation with one of our Accredited...

Diabetes and Exercise

Is Diabetes and Exercise A Good Mix? Anyone can benefit from exercise. It can help control weight, strengthen bones and muscles, and lower blood pressure. Effects of exercise can reduce anxiety, and improve your mood. But for people with diabetes, there are other...

How to Increase BMI

BMI measurements are used for risk assessment. If a person has a high BMI number, they are more likely to be at risk of certain diseases. However, people with low BMI numbers can also experience health issues. People have been taught for years how to lose weight...