ACL Rehab and Exercises

After surgery, it is important to allow the ACL to heal properly. To do so you need to follow doctor’s orders and incorporate ACL rehab exercises. At Sydney Sports & Exercise Physiology, we believe that goal based rehabilitation is far superior to time based...

Brain Benefits of Exercise

There are many brain benefits of exercise. Exercise has been proven to improve cognitive health. Moderate aerobic exercise escalates your heart rate and increases blood flow.  Also, your breathing will increase which delivers more oxygen to your brain. This increases...

Best Posture for Sitting at a Desk all Day

To take care of your health and body, it is necessary to learn the best posture for sitting at a desk all day. Most people have bad posture. Sitting all day in front of computers and electronic devices takes a toll on our bodies. A lot of jobs require that you sit at...

What Is Piriformis Syndrome and How Can It Be Treated?

Piriformis syndrome is a fairly common disorder that is a painful neuromuscular condition. Pain, numbness and tingling usually occur in the hip and buttock, and can extend down the leg. It develops from either sciatic nerve irritation or compression. Piriformis...

Golf Health Benefits

It is often thought of as a leisurely and relaxing sport, but golf can also provide many health benefits. Golfing can help reduce the risks of chronic conditions and improve overall health. Golf is a sport that is enjoyed by people all over the world. It provides...

Blood Flow Restriction Training – What/How/When

Occlusion training or Blood flow restriction training (BFRT) is being used more and more by physiotherapists, exercise physiologist or other trained allied health professionals to assist with improving muscle hypertrophy in a range of general and clinical populations....

Sleep and Performance

Sleeping patterns play a major role in how we feel each day, but to what extent do they affect performance? Partial Sleep Deprivation The evidence indicates anaerobic performance in a 30 second Wingate maximal cycling test is uninhibited following partial sleep...

How to correctly perform a Gymnastics Bridge

A gymnastics bridge typically refers to a static position where the athlete moves the spine, shoulders and hip in hyperextension, whilst weight supported on the hands and feet (See Fig 1.). Fig. 1   Back-bend position emphasizing hyperextension in the thoracic spine...

Impact of hip mobility on low back pain

Low back pain Low back pain continues to be the most common complaint in the health industry that limits individuals. Rehabilitation of the low back is transitioning from focusing on reducing localised pain and therefore symptoms to a biomechanical approach looking at...

Cerebral Palsy and Alter G Rehabilitation

Cerebral Palsy is an umbrella term that refers to a group of disorders that affects a persons movement patterns and posture, as a result of damage to the brain during pregnancy or shortly after birth. Although Cerebral Palsy is a permanent life-long condition, some of...